John Henselmeier's Basic Webpage

This is my first full page I have created for this class. I am excited to get back into the world of web design, starting with the basics.


Star Wars Costuming

One of my ideas is to develop a website on Star Wars costuming. There is already a great deal of information found at the 501st Legion about costuming

Some fans are content to collect action figures...other fans want to be action figures. Nothing professes your passion quite like building your own detailed costume replica of a classic Star Wars villain, and there's nothing quite like the feeling that comes from bringing the characters of Star Wars into the real world and sharing the magic with others.

I would like to focus on two specific costumes for this site: the Stormtrooper and the Sandtrooper.


My Home State

Another idea is to make a website for "My Home State" a t-shirt and merchandise company specializing in apparel featuring elements from each state in the US. This website would:

  1. Act as a store front for this 100% online company.
  2. Allow for suggestions and submissions for future designs.

Valid CSS!