John Henselmeier's Design Document


This web site will be a resourse for those looking to get started in Star Wars Costuming, and possibly joining the 501st Legion with their screen accurate Stormtrooper/Sandtrooper armor. There are two main purposes of this site. First it will contain a condensed list of links to vendors, forum threads and builds so those wanting to learn can refer back to this one site for everyhting. Second it will provide a library of visual reference so that the user of this site wont have to track down all of the references on their own. This site is meant to help contain the clutter of information located all over the internet on this particular topic.


The target audience for this site are individuals who are looking to start building their own screen accurate Stormtrooper/Sandtrooper costume. Typically these individuals will also be interested in joining the 501st. Typically the audience is men between the ages of 25-40, though there is variation in age and women do participate but are signifigantly fewer in number.

Needs Assessment:

Four members of the MEPD and FISD (Mos Eisley Police Department and First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment) provided me with guidence on how they would have liked a site liek this when they were startign out..

Questions asked to the group:
What type of information would you find most helpful on our web site? What type of information do you NOT want to see included on the website? Which areas of this costume would you have liked more reference? Five reference websites

These sites are examples of good and/or bad artifacts that are considering for the final design.


Based on responces and my own personal experience, I have chosen to include the following content areas:

Presentation of Information/Rationale of Organization:

The web site will be hierarchical in nature because I have a central subject with supporting pages.

Here is my proposed content for each page: